Are Zantac Users At Risk For Cancer Due To NDMA?

N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) is a molecular compound that forms when certain types of amines react to nitrosating agents. It is not uncommon for NDMA to be present at low levels in certain foods, such as cheese or roasted meats. Scientists have discovered, however, that NDMA is a probable carcinogen, which means that because it has caused cancer in animals during laboratory testing, it is likely to also cause cancer in humans.

Analyses show high levels of NDMA in common pharmaceutical drugs

Regulatory agencies have issued numerous recalls in recent years regarding certain drugs that are used by millions of people to treat conditions such as diabetes, heartburn and other ailments. Scientists have learned that NDMA levels increase when exposed to heat and other specific variables. Researchers say this may lead to increased cancer risk for people who take drugs such as Zantac or pharmaceuticals used to treat high blood pressure and other conditions.

Manufacturers use high heat in producing these products. Such drugs may also encounter high heat during at-home storage. A director of a pharmaceutical consulting firm says it is possible that NDMA and other contaminants have been in the U.S. drug supply for many years. He further stated that advanced technology and research capabilities have made scientists aware of a potential problem that has likely existed for a long time, but they only recently discovered the compound because the chemical testing was not available long ago.

If personal injury results from taking a prescribed or store-bought drug

Many people in North Carolina and throughout the country struggle with heartburn, high blood pressure, diabetes or other chronic health issues. A consumer can reasonably expect that the medications they are using have been proven safe for human consumption. Anyone who believes that he or she has suffered personal injury because of a product defect or a drug that contains a suspected carcinogen may wish to consult with a product liability attorney to explore his or her options for seeking restitution.