Greenville, SC Mesothelioma Lawyer

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Greenville, SC Mesothelioma Attorney

Few things in life can be as overwhelming and challenging as dealing with a sudden mesothelioma diagnosis. You may be feeling angry at the world and betrayed by past employers or landlords who may be responsible for exposing you to asbestos in the past.

With the assistance of a Greenville, SC mesothelioma lawyer, you can file asbestos exposure claims to seek compensation from the negligent parties that are responsible for your current medical condition.

best greenville sc mesothelioma lawyer

Mesothelioma Statistics

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), there have been over 45,000 deaths related to mesothelioma in the United States between 1999 and 2015. In the time since, the general mortality rate for the disease has hovered around 2,500 people per year, in large part due to certain government agencies actively attempting to remove deteriorating asbestos from older buildings throughout the country in an effort to preserve public health.

What Causes Mesothelioma?

There remains only one known way to develop a case of mesothelioma, and that one way is to inhale asbestos fibers, which can be found in asbestos dust. There is no other way to get the disease other than by having asbestos fibers latch onto the thin tissues surrounding certain internal organs. The incubation period for mesothelioma is significant, sometimes taking three or four decades to fully develop, which means that symptoms may not show for quite some time.

There is a good chance that you may not even be aware that, at some point in your life, you inhaled asbestos fibers, which then caused your mesothelioma. The asbestos fibers are microscopic, meaning that you may have inhaled asbestos dust without knowing how dangerous it could be. You may not even have known that you were in the same area as asbestos dust. An experienced mesothelioma lawyer can help you backtrack your condition and uncover the source of inhalation.

Treating Mesothelioma

It can be difficult to treat mesothelioma as well, and diagnosing it early on can be tough. Many people who are developing mesothelioma in their organs may be completely unaware that it is even happening to them until the symptoms start to appear later in life. In fact, some of the notable symptoms associated with mesothelioma, such as chest pains and a painful cough, can resemble other medical conditions that may not be as serious, such as a bronchial infection or a head cold.

Asbestos Dust and Mesothelioma

Asbestos dust is released into the air when asbestos in buildings is disturbed, broken, jostled, or starts to fall apart. The dust contains dangerous fibers that can cause severe chronic illnesses and persistent medical problems. Asbestos that isn’t disturbed may not harm anyone until it starts to deteriorate, at which point it can become a big problem. That is why government agencies, like the CDC and EPA, are trying to remove it from older buildings.

Inhaling that dust can lead to a case of mesothelioma, asbestosis, and various cancers, particularly lung cancer. Another cancer that can occur from asbestos exposure is ovarian cancer through the use of asbestos-contaminated talcum powder.

Mesothelioma develops when the asbestos fibers present in the dust enter your body and attach to the thin tissues surrounding the heart, lungs, testes, or stomach. The version of mesothelioma that you may develop will depend on which organ the fibers latch onto and if they are able to cause your cells to mutate into cancer cells.

Where Does Asbestos Come From?

Asbestos is a naturally mined mineral that was used as a prominent component in building materials throughout the 20th century, according to the Asbestos and Silica Claims Procedure Act of 2006. It was a strong insulator and heat resistor, which made it ideal for building materials like adhesives, cement, and, of course, insulation.

Due to it being involved in many different materials, it was used in the construction of thousands of buildings across the country, including schools, homes, government buildings, bunkers, factories, and offices. Many companies throughout the country have found themselves at the center of various claims brought by former employees and their families who were inadvertently exposed to asbestos in the workplace, particularly in factories.

In Greenville, SC, some of those companies include Berea Industrial Park, Daniel International Corp, American Spinning Company, Fiber Industries Textile Plant, International Industries, Union Bleachery, Victor Monaghan Company, and Nylon Industries, just to name a few.

Prevention Methods for Asbestos in the Home

Inhaling asbestos fibers at some point in your life is not an automatic guarantee that you will develop mesothelioma, just like it’s not a guarantee that you won’t. In fact, most people will never develop mesothelioma, even if they have been exposed to asbestos fibers. It’s a rare form of cancer. However, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take the proper precautions to protect yourself from asbestos exposure.

The only surefire way to never be exposed to asbestos is to never go into any building that has asbestos and avoid it completely, but that’s simply not a practical solution. There are still thousands of buildings in the United States that have asbestos in them to this day. Here are some possible prevention methods for handling asbestos removal, at least in your own home:

  • If you are living in an older home, particularly if your home was built between 1930 and 1990, you may be reasonably concerned about any asbestos that may be present in it. That’s understandable, as your family could be in danger if the asbestos is ever disturbed. You may want to reach out to a removal professional who can look through your home, find the asbestos, and offer you a quote for removing it.
  • While the asbestos is being removed, your entire family, including pets, should leave the house and stay with family or friends. Anyone who breathes in the asbestos fibers could have their health jeopardized. Also, do not try to remove the asbestos yourself, as you could release those fibers into the air and cause more harm.

Contact a Lawyer Today

The legal team at Wallace & Graham, P.A., can help you build a case to hold the party that is responsible for exposing you to asbestos accountable for their actions and obtain compensation. Contact us to speak with a team member and schedule a consultation.