Orangeburg, SC Mesothelioma Lawyer

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Orangeburg, SC Mesothelioma Attorney

Mesothelioma is an incurable and terminal form of cancer caused by asbestos exposure. If you or a family member has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, it is natural to wonder how you were exposed to asbestos and whether you have any grounds for legal recourse. An experienced Orangeburg, SC mesothelioma lawyer is an essential resource in this situation. The right attorney can help you determine whether you have grounds for legal action against another party.

top orangeburg sc mesothelioma lawyer

Legal Counsel for Mesothelioma Claims in Orangeburg, SC

Wallace & Graham, P.A., has years of professional experience representing clients in mesothelioma claims. Many other attorneys throughout the state do not accept these cases due to their inherent complexity, but we know how to help our clients thoroughly explore all avenues of recovery available to them after they have been diagnosed with mesothelioma. Rest assured, we have the experience, skills, and resources necessary to handle your case.

Our team approaches every mesothelioma claim we accept with the goal of helping our client establish liability for their condition and recovering as much compensation as possible for the damages they have suffered. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, your recovery options may include a workers’ compensation claim, a claim to a mesothelioma injury trust, or a personal injury lawsuit. Our team will help you understand your options.

Recovering Compensation for Mesothelioma in Orangeburg

Mesothelioma is an incurable and terminal form of cancer. One particularly troubling aspect of this disease is the fact that noticeable symptoms typically do not appear until it has reached a critical stage, and the incubation period for these symptoms is usually decades. This can make it very hard for a victim to accurately determine exactly when, where, and how they were exposed to asbestos, which is a necessary step for establishing liability.

It is possible for fault for your condition to fall on a current or former employer, a property owner, or a product manufacturer. Your Orangeburg, SC, mesothelioma lawyer can help you carefully review all relevant records and documentation so you can thoroughly explore all the possible options when it comes to determining the root cause of your diagnosis. Once you establish liability, you can proceed with claiming compensation for your damages.

If you have the option of filing a workers’ compensation claim, success with this claim could yield repayment of your medical expenses along with compensation for wages you are unable to earn for your diagnosis. It is also possible to claim death benefits if you lost a loved one due to asbestos exposure at work. You may also qualify to file a claim through a mesothelioma injury trust, as such trusts continue to disburse many claim payouts each year.

If you need to file a personal injury claim in response to your diagnosis, you need an experienced attorney you trust to ensure the greatest chance of success with your claim. The right attorney can not only help you accurately determine fault for your mesothelioma diagnosis but also assist you in accurately calculating all of the damages you are legally eligible to claim from the defendant.

Wallace & Graham, P.A., is ready to help you build a compelling mesothelioma case in Orangeburg, SC. We have years of experience handling these cases and are confident in our team’s ability to address the unique challenges you face in your forthcoming proceedings. The sooner you connect with our team, the sooner we can begin building your case.

Orangeburg, SC Mesothelioma FAQs

Q: What Is a Mesothelioma Claim Worth in Orangeburg?

A: The potential value of a mesothelioma claim in Orangeburg depends on several variables, but it is possible for a claimant to seek compensation for all related medical expenses, lost income, lost future earning capacity, and their pain and suffering. Your Orangeburg, SC mesothelioma lawyer can explain your available recovery options and help you determine the optimal ways of maximizing the total compensation you can recover for your diagnosis.

Q: How Does Asbestos Cause Mesothelioma?

A: Asbestos causes mesothelioma when asbestos fibers are inhaled or ingested. Asbestos fibers are very light, very sharp, and capable of remaining suspended in still air for days at a time. When they are inhaled, they embed in lung tissue, where they will gradually cause mesothelioma to form over years. One of the most challenging aspects of a mesothelioma case is pinpointing the exact time and location of the asbestos exposure that caused the disease.

Q: Can I Claim Workers’ Compensation Benefits for Mesothelioma in South Carolina?

A: Yes, it is possible to claim workers’ compensation benefits for mesothelioma if you were exposed to asbestos through your work. Most employers in the state are required to have workers’ compensation insurance, and this insurance applies to most work-related injuries and illnesses. However, an employer could also face additional liability if they failed to abide by applicable workplace safety regulations related to asbestos.

Q: How Long Does It Take to Resolve a Mesothelioma Claim in Orangeburg?

A: The time required to resolve a mesothelioma claim in Orangeburg depends on several factors. These are inherently difficult cases due to the breadth of research typically required to accurately pinpoint when and where a victim was exposed to asbestos. They may also have multiple avenues of legal recourse available to them and will need an experienced attorney’s help to not only maximize their results but do so as quickly as possible.

Q: What Does It Cost to Hire an Orangeburg, SC, Mesothelioma Lawyer?

A: The cost to hire an Orangeburg, SC mesothelioma lawyer depends on the lawyer’s billing policy. Wallace & Graham, P.A., accepts mesothelioma cases on a contingency fee basis, meaning our client is only charged a fee for our representation if and when we win their case. There is no fee if we are unable to secure a recovery for the client, and our contingency fee will only amount to a percentage of the client’s case award.

Wallace & Graham, P.A., has years of professional experience representing clients in all types of mesothelioma claims in Orangeburg and surrounding communities. These cases are challenging in many ways, and it’s vital to have legal counsel you trust on your side to ensure the greatest chance of success. Contact us today and schedule a free consultation with an Orangeburg, SC mesothelioma lawyer to learn how we can help with your case.