Lexington, SC Mesothelioma Lawyer

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Lexington, SC Mesothelioma Attorney

Thousands of people throughout the United States are diagnosed with mesothelioma every year, and it is a life-changing diagnosis that can be very difficult for anyone to accept. If you believe you or a loved one developed this disease because of exposure at work or due to another party’s fault, it is vital to consult a Lexington, SC mesothelioma lawyer as quickly as possible. They can help you trace the source of your exposure and determine your legal options.

best lexington sc mesothelioma lawyer

Representing Mesothelioma Cases in Lexington, SC

Wallace & Graham, P.A., offers focused legal representation for mesothelioma claims in Lexington, SC and surrounding areas. Our firm has decades of dedicated experience handling these claims, which many other attorneys simply do not take due to their inherent complexity. We know how difficult it can be to pinpoint the cause of a mesothelioma diagnosis and navigate the legal processes necessary for ensuring accountability and compensation for damages.

With our assistance, you can approach your mesothelioma case with greater confidence and peace of mind. We can help you review your work history and past residences to determine when, where, and how you developed mesothelioma. The only known cause of this form of lung cancer is asbestos exposure, and if another party is responsible for such exposure, we can help you hold them accountable for your damages.

Do not assume you can manage a mesothelioma case on your own. These are extremely detailed and complicated cases that will require extensive legal research, a careful review of medical records, and many other considerations that demand the attention of experienced legal counsel if you want to ensure the greatest chance of a positive outcome to your case.

Building Your Mesothelioma Case in Lexington

The first step of any mesothelioma claim is proving how you developed the disease, and this could mean research spanning decades. When asbestos fibers embed in the respiratory system, it can take years or even decades for signs of mesothelioma to form, and the earliest noticeable symptoms of this disease are often mistaken for other, less serious illnesses. This can make it very difficult to determine exactly when and where you were exposed.

Once you have identified the source of your condition, your Lexington, SC mesothelioma lawyer can help you determine the next steps to take with your case. If a specific company is responsible for your condition, they may have been compelled to create a mesothelioma injury trust through which you may be eligible to file a claim. It is also possible to seek workers’ compensation benefits if you were exposed while working and/or build a civil lawsuit.

Unfortunately, mesothelioma is an incurable and terminal form of lung cancer. Once the disease has progressed to the point where symptoms are noticeable, it has already reached an advanced stage, and the optimal outcome for the victim is to manage their symptoms and make them as comfortable as possible during their remaining time. Receiving this diagnosis can be very challenging for any family and entails substantial damages.

Wallace & Graham, P.A., will do everything we can to help you maximize the compensation you receive for your mesothelioma diagnosis. We understand the inherent complexity of these cases and the fact that every case is unique. You can rely on our team for support and reassurance through every step of your proceedings, and you can rest assured we will do everything we can to maximize your recovery as efficiently as possible.

Lexington, SC Mesothelioma FAQs

Q: How Do You Prove Fault for Mesothelioma?

A: Proving fault for mesothelioma will require careful research to determine when, where, and how you were exposed to asbestos. One of the most challenging aspects of these cases is the fact that mesothelioma may not noticeably develop until many years after exposure, making it very difficult to determine the root cause. Your Lexington, SC mesothelioma lawyer can help you narrow down the exact source of your condition.

Q: Can I Claim Workers’ Compensation Benefits for Mesothelioma?

A: Yes, it is possible to claim workers’ compensation benefits for mesothelioma if you are a covered employee and you were exposed while performing your job duties. Workers’ compensation insurance is meant to cover all job-related injuries and illnesses, but there are limits to how much you could receive in benefits. Your attorney can help you navigate the claim filing process and maximize your benefits determination.

Q: What Is a Mesothelioma Claim Worth in Lexington?

A: The potential value of a mesothelioma claim in Lexington hinges on multiple variables. It is possible to prove fault for your diagnosis and recover compensation for all related medical expenses as well as lost income if you are no longer able to work. You can also claim compensation for pain and suffering. Your Lexington, SC mesothelioma lawyer can help you determine the full potential value of your claim.

Q: Why Should I Hire a Lexington, SC, Mesothelioma Lawyer?

A: You should hire a Lexington, SC mesothelioma lawyer because your case is likely to be far more challenging to resolve than you initially expected. The right attorney can not only help you make clearer sense of the proceedings ahead of you but also make it much easier for you to prove liability for your diagnosis and thoroughly explore all the recovery options available to you, maximizing the compensation you are able to secure for yourself and your family.

Q: What Does It Cost to Hire a Lexington, SC, Mesothelioma Lawyer?

A: The cost to hire a Lexington, SC mesothelioma lawyer depends on the attorney’s billing policy. Wallace & Graham, P.A., accepts mesothelioma cases on a contingency fee basis, meaning our clients will only be charged a fee if and when we win their case, and their fee is a percentage of the total amount recovered on their behalf. This policy ensures you have access to legal counsel when you need it most, regardless of your financial situation.

An experienced Lexington, SC mesothelioma lawyer is an invaluable asset to have on your side as you approach this difficult type of case. Wallace & Graham, P.A., has years of professional experience helping our clients navigate these challenging proceedings, and we are ready to leverage this experience in your case. Contact us today and schedule a free consultation with a Lexington, SC, mesothelioma lawyer with your case.