Household Exposures That Put Your Family at Risk for Mesothelioma (2024)

If you are planning any home renovations in South Carolina this year, there are several asbestos risks to be aware of, and taking proper precautions can potentially prevent you or a loved one from being exposed to asbestos and developing any of the major health conditions exposure to this substance can cause. While it is no longer used in new constructions, many older homes in South Carolina contain materials manufactured with asbestos.

Common Asbestos Risks to Be Aware of in Home Renovation

For decades throughout the United States, asbestos was widely used for its fireproofing and insulating capabilities. However, the health risks of this substance gradually appeared over time as many people who previously handled the substance or came into contact with it developed mesothelioma and other severe medical conditions. Today, asbestos is almost entirely banned in the United States except for a few very specialized and highly regulated applications.

However, many homes throughout South Carolina were built prior to the health risks of asbestos becoming widely known, and it is possible for many older homes throughout the state to still contain asbestos insulation, joint compounds, and even certain types of flooring made with asbestos. It’s important to remember that as long as such materials remain intact, the risk of adverse health effects is minimal.

Asbestos becomes hazardous whenever particles are released into the air. Asbestos fibers are very thin, sharp, and light, capable of remaining suspended in the air for hours or even days if the interior space remains undisturbed. When these particles are inhaled, they embed in the lung tissue, eventually causing a host of adverse issues, some of which can take years or even decades to appear in noticeable ways.

The most commonly cited serious condition caused by asbestos exposure is mesothelioma, a terminal form of cancer that may affect the lining of the lungs, the abdomen, and the heart. This condition typically does not cause noticeable symptoms until it reaches a critical stage. It is incurable, so once someone has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, their optimal medical treatment will involve symptom management and maintaining comfort.

Addressing Asbestos Risks in Home Renovation

If you are planning to perform any renovation work on your home in South Carolina, it is very important to know what to do if you encounter any materials containing asbestos. Arranging for an inspection is a good idea; a qualified inspector can quickly identify any potential risks inside your home and advise you as to how you can prevent them from becoming serious health hazards to you and your family.

If any materials containing asbestos are damaged or improperly removed, it can easily spread asbestos particles throughout the structure. Never attempt to remove asbestos on your own, and if you must have any removed, it is vital to choose an appropriately licensed service provider to perform this work for you. Some asbestos-containing materials are perfectly safe as long as they are left intact and/or sealed using special techniques.

Ultimately, it is possible to be exposed to asbestos unexpectedly in various ways. If you or a family member has been exposed, it is vital that you consult an experienced attorney as quickly as you can. If you intend to pursue any type of legal recourse, you have a limited time in which to do so following a diagnosis of mesothelioma, asbestosis, or any other asbestos-related medical condition.


Q: How Can You Encounter Asbestos in the Home?

A: You could encounter asbestos in the home when performing any type of renovation that requires the removal of insulation, breaking down walls, or any other work that may disturb any existing asbestos-containing materials. If you are unsure of the asbestos risks to be aware of in the home, it is worth arranging a formal inspection to identify any materials containing asbestos inside of your home.

Q: What Are the Symptoms of Asbestos Exposure?

A: The symptoms of asbestos exposure are commonly misdiagnosed as other, less serious medical conditions. Early symptoms can include shortness of breath, painful cough, and chest pain. These symptoms may not appear for some time following exposure, and symptoms can appear and fade, gradually returning with greater intensity over time. Ultimately, many people do not realize they have been exposed to asbestos for many years following exposure.

Q: How Do You Avoid Asbestos Exposure in the Home?

A: You can avoid asbestos exposure in the home by arranging for a thorough home inspection, especially before performing any major renovations. Qualified inspectors can identify any potential risk factors in your home, but it is important to remember that the mere presence of asbestos-containing materials does not necessarily translate to a direct risk. As long as any such materials are intact and/or properly contained, they may not pose a risk at all.

Q: How Long Does It Take for Mesothelioma Symptoms to Appear?

A: It can take 10 to 50 years or longer for mesothelioma symptoms to appear after asbestos exposure. Additionally, it can take only one exposure to cause mesothelioma, and the symptoms may not be noticeable for decades. This is one of the hardest parts of pursuing any civil claim for mesothelioma, as the claimant will need to accurately determine when, where, and how they were exposed.

Q: Should I Hire a Lawyer for a Mesothelioma Claim in South Carolina?

A: Yes, you should hire a lawyer for a mesothelioma claim in South Carolina due to the inherent complexity of these cases. The average person will not know how to secure and review the various records they may need to accurately determine the cause of their condition. They may also struggle to determine the avenues of recovery that are available to them, and they are more likely to reach a positive outcome to their case with an attorney’s assistance.

The attorneys at Wallace & Graham, P.A., have successfully assisted many past clients throughout South Carolina with mesothelioma claims and other claims pertaining to asbestos-related medical conditions. If you believe you have grounds for such a claim, we can help. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation with our team and learn more about the legal services we provide that may help you and your family recover compensation.