Mesothelioma Surgery Options

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Understanding Your Surgical Options For Mesothelioma

If you are in the early stages of mesothelioma, you are naturally concerned about how to preserve the best quality of life that you can, for as long as you can. Consulting with a mesothelioma attorney is an excellent way to explore ways to maximize your chances of getting access to the best available medical care.

Explore All Your Treatment Options to Fight Mesothelioma and Asbestosis

A successful mesothelioma claim can help you obtain the financial resources needed to aggressively treat your disease. Ideally, you will have access to the best doctors, care facilities and treatments available. As you and your doctors consider your treatment options, surgery may be under discussion. Types of surgery that have helped some patient have included:

  • Pleurectomy: Through this procedure and/or through decorticating processes, your surgeon may remove and strip tumors from the pleura area of the lung. Normally, this surgery will be followed up with chemotherapy. These procedures do not cure mesothelioma, but they can improve quality of life and extend a patient’s life span.
  • Extra pleural pneumonectomy: This drastic measure involves removing the lung entirely. Naturally, a patient’s quality of life may be seriously compromised with a missing lung or missing lungs. Patients, families and their doctors need to carefully weigh the cost-benefit prospects before agreeing to removal of a lung or lungs.

A Successful Mesothelioma Exposure Claim Can Help You Obtain the Finances Needed for the Most Effective Treatments in Your Case

Many mesothelioma patients decide that the risks of surgery do not justify these actions and opt for medication solutions. Whatever you, your doctors and your family decide is the most beneficial course of action, Wallace & Graham, P.A. in North Carolina can serve as your advocate. We represent clients nationwide. Contact us to schedule a free initial consultation with a lawyer and a thoughtful case evaluation.